Alfalah Karobar FinanceAlfalah Karobar Finance

Alfalah Karobar Finance

Alfalah Karobar Finance offers running finance, LG, LC and other import/export related facilities against mortgage of residential/commercial property.

Features and benefits

  • Stock insurance not required
  • Only 25% cleanup required
  • Affordable markup rates to be paid on a quarterly basis
  • Quick processing and loan disbursement
  • Minimal processing charges


  • Applicant must be a Pakistani National Identity Card Holder
  • He/she should be between 23 and 60 years of age at the time of the application, subject to maximum age of 60 on maturity of finance
  • He/she must be running a business for at least 3 years with a satisfactory track record
  • The security against the finance should be a mortgage of urban residential/commercial property (ies)
  • Validity of the financing shall be initially for a period of one year
  • Financing facility up to 70% of assessed market value of mortgaged property
  • 3 times turnover of the limit assigned is required in the account

Rates & Charges

Processing fee (up-front with LAF): As per Schedule of Charges
Documentation charges: actual cost of revenue and special adhesive stamps
Legal charges: Actual and approved charges of lawyers on the Bank’s approved panel
Valuation charges: Actual and approved charge of valuators on the Bank’s approved panel

Apply Now Or you can apply for Alfalah Karobar Finance at the branch.
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