Alfalah Orbit Rewards FAQsAlfalah Orbit Rewards FAQs

Alfalah Orbit Rewards FAQs

  1. What is Alfalah Orbit Rewards?
    Alfalah Orbit Rewards is Bank Alfalah’s loyalty program that rewards you on your entire banking relationship with us. As a customer, you can earn points on your credit card, debit card, deposit account, auto, mortgage or personal loan, internet banking or mobile application, bancassurance or an investment policy. You can also earn monthly tier awards as a multiplier on your total points earned based on the number of products you hold with us.
    Your accumulated Orbits (points) can be redeemed at all BAFL POS terminals, our e-commerce website AlfaMall and bill payments on Alfa app and internet banking. 
  2. What are Orbits?
    Orbits are the points that you earn across various Bank Alfalah products and services.
  3. Which customers are eligible for Alfalah Orbit Rewards?
    All Bank Alfalah individual customers and/or sole proprietors are eligible for Alfalah Orbit Rewards.
  4. How do I enroll for Alfalah Orbit Rewards?
    If you are an individual customer and/or a sole proprietor who has an eligible Alfalah Orbit Rewards product, you are automatically enrolled in the program.
  5. Are there any charges for being part of Alfalah Orbit Rewards?
    No. Alfalah Orbit Rewards is free of charge.
  6. What are the eligible products for Alfalah Orbit Rewards?
    The list of eligible products are listed below.

    Products & Services Name
    Current Accounts
    Premier Current Account
    Premier FCY Current Account
    Saving Accounts
    Premier Saving Account
    Premier FCY Saving Account
    Debit Cards Premier Visa Signature
    Credit Cards Premier Platinum Card
    Auto Loan
    Home Loan
    Digital Banking
    Internet Banking
    Alfa (Mobile App)
    SMS Alerts (Fee Based Branch Banking SMS Alerts)
    Bancassurance All bancassurance products (BAFL Branches Only)
    Investment Products All investment products (BAFL Branches & Alfa App Only)
  7. Do the points on my credit card statement reflect points earned on my credit card only?
    The points on your credit card statement reflect points on your total relationship with the bank including points earned on your credit card.
  8. What is the worth of 1 Orbit?
    1 Orbit is equal to Re 1/-.
  9. How long are my Orbit (points) valid for?
    Orbit points earned will remain valid for 24 months.
  10. Is there an expiry date or period for Orbits earned?
    Yes, Orbits (points) will expire in 24 months. Orbits earned during January 2025 will expire on 31st January 2027.
  11. How can I find out how many Orbits I have earned?
    To inquire about your available Orbits, you can log on to Alfa and Internet Banking, view Orbit e-statement or call the contact centre.
  12. I have just closed one/some of my products with Bank Alfalah, will I be downgraded to a lower tier?
    You will remain in the particular tier for 3 months and earn the tier multiplier during the period giving you a chance to start another relationship to maintain your tier status.
  13. I don’t receive Orbit e-Statement? How do I enroll for Orbit e-Statement?
    Simply sign-up for any e-Statement facility through the contact centre or your branch and you will start receiving Orbit e-Statement.
  14. When is Orbit e-Statement sent?
    Orbit e-Statement is sent every month on customer’s registered email address.
  15. I don’t receive SMS alerts on redemption? How do I enroll for Orbit redemption alerts?
    Simply sign-up for any SMS alert facility on your account or card through the contact centre or your branch and you will start receiving Orbit redemption alerts on real time basis.
  16. When are SMS alerts sent for Orbits?
    If you are subscribed to the service, you will receive real time Orbit alerts on redemptions.
  17. In-case the Orbits earned are not reflecting correctly, what do I do?
    In-case of any discrepancy, please contact the call centre and register a Orbit complaint by emailing us at
  1. How do I earn Orbits?
    You can earn Orbits in the following ways:

    1. Origination/Sign-up (Bonus Orbit):
      When you get a new product or sign up for a service with the bank
    2. On-Going awards – Product Utilization (Orbits):
      When you utilize the bank’s product or services.
    3. Tier Bonus:
      The number of products you hold with the bank will allow you to earn a multiplier on your total monthly Orbit earning.

    To learn more click here

    Tier Eligibility Benefits
    Alfalah Orbit Rewards Any combination/number of product holding ineligible for upgrade Orbits awarded as per the individual product rules
    Orbit 3 Current or Saving Account + any 3 eligible products 10% of accumulated Orbits earned in a month
    Orbit 6 Current or Saving Account + any 6 eligible products 25% of accumulated Orbits earned in a month
    Orbit 9 Current or Saving Account + any 9 eligible products 100% of accumulated Orbits earned in a month

    In addition to the Orbits you earn on each product, you can earn a multiplier on the total number of Orbits earned depending on the number of products you hold with the bank. All you need is a current or saving account and a combination of 3, 6 or 9 products to earn a bonus of 10%, 25% or 100% of the total Orbits earned during a month

  2. How do I increase or jump tier?
    By signing up for eligible products you can jump tier immediately. There is also no restriction in jumping from Alfalah Orbit to Orbit 6 directly on opening the right number of eligible products.
  3. How can I find out in which tier do I belong to?
    You can logon to Internet Banking, view Orbit e-Statement or by calling the Call Center.
  4. Do Supplementary Card members also accumulate Orbits by spending on their Card?
    Yes, supplementary card members earn Orbits the same way as basic card members. The Orbits earned by the supplementary card members are added to the basic card member’s pool.
  5. I have a joint account – will I still earn Orbits on my joint account?
    For joint accounts, orbits will only be awarded to Either-or-Survivor accounts.
  6. What type of financial transactions on ADC’s are eligible for earning Orbits?
    If you do 10 or more of the following type of transactions in a month, you will be awarded Orbits on ADC’s

    Channel Transaction
    Internet Banking/Alfa
    1. Bill Payment/Merchant Payment/Donation
    2. Third party funds transfer
    3. IBFT
    4. Credit card payment
  7. How do I earn Orbits on Credit Card Spend?
    On Credit Cards, you earn 1.60 Orbit on multiple of PKR 200 Spend. For e.g. Zero Orbits till PKR 199 spend, 1.60 Orbit from PKR 200 – 399 spend.
  8. How do I earn Orbits on Debit Card Spend?
    On Debit Cards, you earn 1.60 Orbit on multiple of PKR 400 Spend. For e.g. Zero Orbits till PKR 399 spend, 1 Orbit from PKR 400 – 799 spend.
  9. What is the minimum Investment Amount for Mutual Fund Policies eligible for Orbit Reward

    Policies worth min 100k+ are eligible
  10. How do the Orbit earnings work under deposit rule?
    • Balance Maintenance Award: You earn monthly rewards by maintaining monthly average balance within an eligible balance band.
    • Balance Band Jump Award: If you move to a higher balance band, you earn a bonus. This bonus is three times the monthly maintenance award of the new tier.
      • Multiple Band Jumps: If you jump through multiple bands in a month, you will receive cumulative Band Jump bonuses.
  11. Are there any caps on the Balance Band Jump bonus?
    • For Current Account (CA): The annual cap is 5,775 Orbits.
    • For Savings Account (SA): The annual cap is 450 Orbits
    • For FCY Accounts (CASA): The annual cap is 450 Orbits.

    These caps are reset every calendar year. For example:  1st of January

  12. What is the minimum balance requirement to earn Orbits on deposit accounts?
    The minimum monthly average balance must be PKR 100,000 to get eligible for Orbits earning. For FCY, average balance will be considered in PKR as per prevailing rates.
  13. What is the Band Jump Bonus if I jump more than one band?
    If you jump through multiple bands, you will receive cumulative Band Jump BonusesFor example, if you move from band 100k – 500k to band 3M – 10M in current account, you will receive 2,625 Orbits.

    Current Account 
    Average Balance Band Balance Maintenance Award Balance Band Jump Award (3x)
    0 – 100k
    100k – 500k  50 150
    500k – 1M 125 375
    1M – 3M 250 700
    3M – 10M 500 1500
    10M+ 1,000 3,000
  14. How much can I potentially earn in a year?
    • For Current Account (CA) customers: You can earn up to 16,775 Orbits annually.
      • This includes 5,775 Orbits from Band Jump Bonuses and 11,000 Orbits from Monthly Maintenance Awards (assuming you start in January at the highest balance band and stay there for the remaining 11 months till December).
    • For Savings Account (SA) customers: You can earn up to 1,275 Orbits annually.
      • This includes 450 Orbits from Band Jump Bonuses and 825 Orbits from Monthly Maintenance Awards (assuming you start in January at the highest balance band and stay there for the remaining 11 months till December).
    • For Foreign Currency Account (FCY) customers: You can earn up to 1,275 Orbits annually.
      • This includes 450 Orbits from Band Jump Bonuses and 825 Orbits from Monthly Maintenance Awards (assuming you start in January at the highest balance band and stay there for the remaining 11 months till December).
  15. Can I receive both balance maintenance award and band jump bonuses in the same month?
    No, you will not receive balance maintenance award and band jump bonuses in the same month.
  1. How can I earn the Annual bonus on Deposits?
    To qualify for the Annual bonus, you must:

    1. Keep your Monthly Average Balance above 10 million each month for the entire year.
    2. Double your annual average balance from the previous year.

    If both conditions are met, you’ll earn 5,775 Orbits for CA and 450 Orbits for SA. (PKR/FCY)
    Example 1: Award

    • 2024: Monthly Average Balance stays at 10,000,001 (10M+) each month entire year.
      • Annual Average Balance = 10,000,001 (sum of all monthly average balances / 12).
    • 2025: Monthly Average Balance fluctuates but remains above 10M.
      • For example: Monthly Average Balance increases to 20,833,335.
      • Annual Average Balance = 20,833,335 (double the 2024 balance).

    Since the 2025 balance is double the 2024 average, the customer qualifies for the bonus of 5,775 Orbits for CA and 450 Orbits for SA.

    (Refer to Table 1)

Award of Annual Bonus
2024 2025
Month Monthly Average Balance Month Monthly Average Balance
Jan 10,000,001 Jan 20,000,002
Feb 10,000,001 Feb 20,000,002
Mar 10,000,001 Mar 10,000,000
Apr 10,000,001 Apr 20,000,002
May 10,000,001 May 40,000,000
Jun 10,000,001 Jun 20,000,002
Jul 10,000,001 Jul 20,000,002
Aug 10,000,001 Aug 20,000,002
Sep 10,000,001 Sep 20,000,002
Oct 10,000,001 Oct 20,000,002
Nov 10,000,001 Nov 20,000,002
Dec 10,000,001 Dec 20,000,002
Annual Average 10,000,001 Annual Average 20,833,335

Example 2: No Award

  • 2024: Monthly Average Balance stays at 10,000,001 (10M+) each month entire year.
    • Annual Average Balance = 10,000,001.
  • 2025: Monthly Average Balance fluctuates and doesn’t double the 2024 annual average balance.
    • Annual Average Balance = 17,500,002 (less than double the 2024 average).

Since the 2025 balance is not double the 2024 average, the customer does not qualify for the bonus.

(Refer to Table 2)

Since the 2025 balance is not double the 2024 average, the customer does not qualify for the bonus.

No Award
2024 2025
Month Monthly Average Balance Month Monthly Average Balance
Jan 10,000,001 Jan 20,000,002
Feb 10,000,001 Feb 20,000,002
Mar 10,000,001 Mar 20,000,002
Apr 10,000,001 Apr 10,000,001
May 10,000,001 May 10,000,001
Jun 10,000,001 Jun 10,000,001
Jul 10,000,001 Jul 20,000,002
Aug 10,000,001 Aug 20,000,002
Sep 10,000,001 Sep 20,000,002
Oct 10,000,001 Oct 20,000,002
Nov 10,000,001 Nov 20,000,002
Dec 10,000,001 Dec 20,000,002
Annual Average Annual Average
10,000,001 17,500,002
  1. How can I redeem my Orbits?
    You can redeem your Orbits through Alfa Mobile App, Alfalah Internet Banking, Alfa Mall, at all BAFL POS machines and Alfalah Call Centre
  2. What can I redeem my Orbits against?You can redeem your Orbits for the following:
    1. Bill payments
    2. Donations
    3. Merchant payments / Online shopping
    4. BAFL POS Terminals
    5. AlfaMall
    You can redeem your Orbits from a vast choice of Lifestyle, Home Comfort, Entertainment, Leather, Sports, Shopping, Travelling, Dining, Kids categories.
  3. How do I register myself on the Orbit online rewards portal?
    If you have signed up for Bank Alfalah internet banking you can access the online Orbit rewards portal through internet banking. If you wish to access the portal without signing up for internet banking or Alfa mobile application you can follow the simple instructions for registration on the Orbit rewards page at
  4. Are there any charges for using Orbit rewards website?
    If you sign up for the Orbit rewards page without registering for internet banking, there are no charges.
  5. Can a Supplementary Card member redeem Orbits?
    Orbits earned through the supplementary card can only be redeemed by the basic card holder
  6. Can I redeem more than 1 item at a time?
    Yes. You can redeem multiple items up to the worth of your Orbits.
  7. I do not have enough Orbits to complete my bill payment transaction. Can I use my account and/or credit card also to make the payment?
    Yes. You can use Orbits in combination with your account and credit card to make a bill payment transaction simply by selecting your primary mode of payment and then adding another payment option on internet banking.
  1. Are my Orbits exchangeable for cash?
    Orbits accumulated in the reward program cannot be exchanged for cash
  2. Can I transfer my points to another customer?
    No. Orbit transfer facility has been discontinued
  3. Can I make payment of my Credit Card bill through Orbits?
    No. Credit card payments cannot be made against Orbits
  4. Can I make bill/merchant payments partially, using Orbits and my account/card?
    Yes. You can make one single payment by selecting a combination of Orbits, your bank account and/or credit card (for conventional customers only) on internet banking.
  5. On which transaction types do I get Orbits on Credit Card?
    Only POS and E-Commerce Transactions are eligible for Orbits. Bill Payments, AlfaMall Payments through Card are not eligible
  6. On which transaction types do I get Orbits on Debit Card?
    Only POS Transactions are eligible for Orbits.
  7. What are Orbit Awarding TATs for different Products?
    Daily Scoring Rules  TAT 
    Credit Card Retail Transactions (POS and Online)  2-3 Working Days after transaction posting 
    Debit Card POS Transactions  2-3 Working Days 
    Sign-up Orbits Rules  TAT 
    Credit Card and Debit Card  2-3 Working Days after first transaction posting 
    CASA Account and ADCs  2-3 Working Days of activation 
    Loans  2-3 Working Days after loan disbursement 
    Banca  After 14 Days (Free look period) 
    Investment  After 30 Working Days 
    Month End Rules  TAT 
    ADC Rule, Accounts Rule and Tier Bonus Rule  Within 10 days of start of the month 

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