Digital Fee CollectionDigital Fee Collection

Digital Fee Collection

Fee Payment

Bank Alfalah is committed to transform the digital landscape of Pakistan. With this broader vision, Bank Alfalah is aggressively penetrating in various sectors amongst them the major category is Education sector followed by Real Estate Collections and Society Bill Payments. An integral component of an Education Institute’s ecosystem is timely and efficient collection of fee, wherein it presents significant challenges i.e. human resources constraints, cash management, and reconciliation issues which hampers the process of effective management of funds receivable and in turn stymies any future outflow impacting the institutes overall working capital cycle and cash flows.

Payment Channels

  • Alfa App
  • Internet Banking
  • CDM
  • Retail (Agent Network)

Key features

  • Printing Cost – Savings
  • Instant Educational payment
  • Resource Efficient – Time & Staff
  • Real-time Transaction Reports (Resolving Recon. Issues)
  • Get Instant Fee Receipt
  • Ease in Audit
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Multiple and Secure Payment Methods
  • 156 CDM’s over the Pakistan
  • 13000+ Agents

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