Bank Alfalah is the second largest distributor of Mutual Funds with a portfolio of over Rs.25 billion as of Quarter 3 2022. Bank Alfalah Islamic Premier offers Investment solutions tailored uniquely to meet your financial needs. We can help you from a range of investment solutions, mentioned below.
Fund Category currently offers 5 Islamic schemes in the various investment categories, mentioned below:
1. Islamic Income Fund: The investment objective of Islamic Income Fund is to minimize risk, construct a liquid portfolio of Shari’ah approved fixed income investments and provide competitive returns to the Unit Holders. The management team shall ensure the active implementation of prudent investment practices, the highest professional standards and compliance with applicable laws.
2. Islamic Equity Fund: This is an Open Ended Shari’ah Compliant Islamic Equity Fund; the investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long term capital growth by investing primarily in Shari’ah compliant equity securities.
3. Fund of Funds: Shari’ah Compliant Fund of Funds, A fund of funds is a mutual fund that invests in other Shari’ah Complaint mutual funds rather than directly into the underlying securities. This allows even greater diversification of risk with additional benefits of diversified fund management and performance exposure.
4. Shari’ah Compliant Asset Allocation: Open-end Shari’ ah Compliant Islamic Asset Allocation Fund’s objective is to earn a potentially high return through allocation of assets between Shari’ah Compliant Equity Instruments, Shari’ah Compliant Fixed Income Instruments and any other Shari’ah Compliant instrument as permitted by the SECP and Shari’ah.
5. Islamic Money Market Fund: Objective to provide competitive returns and to meet liquidity needs of investor a daily dividend by investing in low risk and high liquid Shari’ah Complaint money market instruments. The fund will primarily invest in Shari’ah Complaint Authorized Investments.
Products suite includes Mutual Funds, Pension Funds and Separately Managed Accounts. We offer
products in Shari’ah compliant realms.
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