
Step into Your Dream Home with Ease

How it works

At Bank Alfalah, owning your dream home is just a few simple steps away. We provide a straightforward and hassle-free process designed to make homeownership accessible for everyone. For your convenience, we offer an in-principal approval with our Mortgage Promise Letter (MPL). This allows you to secure a pre-approved finance limit, enabling you to plan your budget and equity contribution confidently while searching for the perfect home.

Start your journey to homeownership with Bank Alfalah today and discover how easy it can be to turn your dreams into reality.

Step – 1

Eligibility Assessment:

Contact us to assess your eligibility for Alfalah Home Finance.

Step – 2

Application Submission:

Contact us to assist you in completing your application form and required documents.

Step – 3

Information Verification:

Your information and documents will be verified as per regulatory requirements.

Step – 4

Property Due Diligence:

Property value will be assessed and legal opinion will be sought from the bank’s solicitor.

Step – 5

Facility Offer Letter:

Upon approval of facility “Facility Offer Letter” is given along with the financing terms.

Step – 6

Other formalities:

Property and Life insurance arrangements are made and an account is opened with Bank Alfalah.

Step – 7

Disbursement of finance

Finance is then disbursed for the purpose.


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