Security Tips

  • Use strong passwords and change them regularly.
  • Use uppercase & lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (e.g.N@veEd!2024).
  • Never share your banking credentials like; CVV, and expiry date.
  • Your CNIC number and date of birth can be misused—keep them confidential.
  • Use a secure internet connection and avoid public Wi-Fi for online banking.
  • Always log out of online banking when finished, especially on shared devices.
  • Regularly update software and apps to fix security vulnerabilities.
  • Download apps and updates only from trusted sources like the App Store or Google Play.
  • Look for “https://” and the padlock symbol in the address bar.
  • Double-check the domain name for misspellings or extra
  • characters (e.g., “” vs. “”).
  • Never share your passwords, OTP, pin code or account details over the phone, text or email.
  • Never share your CNIC number or date of birth on untrusted websites or with unknown callers, as they can be used for identity theft.
  • Bank Alfalah never asks for sensitive information via call, SMS, or email.
  • If someone claims to be from your bank, hang up and call the bank’s official number to confirm.
  • Do not click on links or respond to SMS/emails asking for personal or banking details.
  • Check the source before clicking—scammers make fake links look real.

  • Use strong passwords and change them regularly.
  • Use uppercase & lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (e.g.N@veEd!2024).


  • Never share your banking credentials like; CVV, and expiry date.
  • Your CNIC number and date of birth can be misused—keep them confidential.


  • Use a secure internet connection and avoid public Wi-Fi for online banking.
  • Always log out of online banking when finished, especially on shared devices.


  • Regularly update software and apps to fix security vulnerabilities.
  • Download apps and updates only from trusted sources like the App Store or Google Play.


  • Look for “https://” and the padlock symbol in the address bar.
  • Double-check the domain name for misspellings or extra characters (e.g., “” vs. “”).


  • Never share your passwords, OTP, pin code or account details over the phone, text or email.
  • Never share your CNIC number or date of birth on untrusted websites or with unknown callers, as they can be used for identity theft.


  • Bank Alfalah never asks for sensitive information via call, SMS, or email.
  • If someone claims to be from your bank, hang up and call the bank’s official number to confirm.


  • Do not click on links or respond to SMS/emails asking for personal or banking details.
  • Check the source before clicking—scammers make fake links look real.


Be Knowledgeable
Communicate and Share Experience
Educate on Phishing and Online Security
Strengthen Passwords and Avoid Malicious Downloads
Stay Informed
Stay Informed
Foster a Healthy Skepticism

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